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We’ve started a new sermon series explaining how to pray. The basics are found in a thing Jesus gave called ‘The Lord’s Prayer’. Audio and video will gradually…
Pastor August’s funeral will be live streamed on Friday June 28th at 10.30am Australian Eastern Standard Time and will be available to watch for three months after… Click…
The Graceville Art Festival @ St Luke’s just finished last week! Three days of exhibition, markets, art classes, music, and the great outdoors service. This year we almost…
Thank you to everyone who helped us support Ukraine refugees in Walk My Way. A total of around $190,000 was raised and we had almost 900 walkers. If…
The Sunshine Coast Refugee Network (SCRAN) recently made a huge sign to show that our region welcomes refugees. St Luke’s church created the letter F. Well done team!
Get some popcorn and enjoy this sermon! Recently we explored the short story of Ruth from the Old Testament in the Bible. It’s a very weird story. But…
Annoyingly deep sermons exploring suffering and sharing hope.
Our series on worry and anxiety was supposed to be short, but a couple bonus sermons have appeared! You can here the entire series here.
This is an exciting time for St Luke’s as we have called a new pastor with a dream to plant a new missional ministry or new church in…
When is the last time you ate with someone new? One expert says “Jesus eats his way through the Gospel of Luke”. At St Luke’s we have been…