This is an exciting time for St Luke’s as we have called a new pastor with a dream to plant a new missional ministry or new church in our region. The first part of this is a call to prayer. Before we start anything we are called to pray and listen, to seek God’s inspiration and guidance for what we might do! As we do this, we need to remember that prayer is not just talking to God, but also about listening. Prayer is communion with God – it opens up our lives to new possibilities!
Every Sunday (and every day) we are calling our community to:
1. Pray for someone to know God’s love
2. Pray that the Holy Spirit will show us new outreach
3. Pray for each other
Have you heard from the Spirit? Test it. Share it with Christians (1 John 4:1). Ask them to pray about it. Seek to discern if it’s right for us. Tell your leaders!

Blessing Of Place
We stand in the mighty Name of Jesus and bless this place,
that all who live/work/rest/learn here might prosper under the mighty hand of God.
We bless this place that justice and righteousness
might take their proper place within these boundaries.
We bless this place that the grace of the Lord
might rest upon all who come here and bring peace.
We bless this place that the Father’s compassion
might fall upon its people.
We bless the people of God of this place
for strength for the journey,
that the joy of the Lord might be their strength.
– Adapted from a prayer from Ffald-y-Brenin