Worship Centre: 10 Sydney St, Nambour, 4560

Office: 12 Sydney St, Nambour, 4560 (open by appointment – please call first)

Email: office@stlukesnambour.org

Phone: 0493 250 073

Postal Address: PO Box 300, Nambour, Qld, 4560.

Facebook: Nambour Lutheran Parish

Pastor:  Matt Thiele (part time and generally available Tue-Thu & Sun)

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Witta: 295 Witta Rd, Witta, 4552

Email: goodshepherd.witta.qld@lca.org.au

Website: wittalutherans.org.au

Witta Worship:

1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays 4pm with communion.

2nd & 4th Sundays 8am without communion.

Facebook: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Witta